UX Design for Sprint x T-Mobile Migration Landing Pages
The Ask
I was tapped to lead design on several Sprint x T-Mobile migration initiatives including landing pages. Mainly intended to be informational, the pages were to include details on the retirement of 2G and 3G mobile networks and deadlines to upgrade to compatible devices. An additional page was was to be created to incentivize certain Apple and Samsung customers with free upgrades. I was also asked to merge the the Sprint and T-Mobile branding as much as possible.
The Solution
For the 2G/3G retirement experience, we rolled out in two phases: the first being content-heavy with FAQs upfront and CTAs only leading to call customer service or find a store. After reviewing several months of page analytics I was able to push for a second phase where content was minimal and customers could see account-based upgrade information and login to begin the process. I worked with our dev team to design a simple phone number checker that told customers how many devices on their account needed new SIM cards or needed to be replaced.
For Apple and Samsung upgrade offers, I used a similar approach I had successfully applied on several other Sprint landing pages. I worked closely with my copy partner to show how customers could get the offers in easily digestible steps.
Visually, in preparation for the merger we had already begun to phase out the large Sprint yellow buttons for smaller black buttons and I revamped our iconography to include the T-Mobile magenta and branding. Images were provided by Sprint’s Marketing team. Clickable prototypes are below.
2G/3G Retirement Phase 1
2G/3G Retirement Phase 2
Clickable: Check Your Devices Button
Apple + Samsung Upgrade Offers
Clickable: Set Retail Appointment Button