Creative Direction for Walgreens Health 🩺Category : Advertising, Art Direction, Graphic Design, Social, Web DesignThe "Health is Home" campaign consisted of social, print, :60 and :30 spots, infographics, iconography development and other digital assets.
UX Direction for Microsoft Events Sign-In/Registration RedesignCategory : UX/UI, Web DesignA streamlined UX redesign for the Microsoft Events Sign-In and Registration process.
UX & Creative Direction for Microsoft InspireCategory : Art Direction, UX/UI, Web DesignUser experience and visual creative direction for 8 phases of Microsoft Inspire's digital event roll-out.
UX & Art Direction for Walmart T-Mobile Landing PageCategory : Art Direction, UX/UI, Web DesignA visual and UX revamp for Walmart's T-Mobile Landing page incorporating a refreshed and more comprehensive plans grid.
UX Design for Sprint x T-Mobile Migration Landing PagesCategory : UX/UI, Web DesignLanding pages detailing the retirement of 2G/3G networks, deadlines to upgrade, and offers for Apple and Samsung customers.
Art Direction, Design & QA of Sprint Homepage RedesignCategory : Art Direction, UX/UI, Web DesignA cluttered, "deals, deals, deals!"-dominated homepage becomes what customers want to see from Sprint: a fresh design, approachability, humanity, authenticity, and transparency.
UX Design for Metro by T-Mobile Activation PageCategory : UX/UI, Web DesignTwo UX solutions to help New and Existing customers activate their devices with fewer calls to Customer Service.
UX, Art Direction & Visual Design of Sprint PlansCategory : Art Direction, UX/UI, Web DesignA full design thinking process to improve's Plans experience.
Art Direction & Design Exploration for Telecom Privacy Center RedesignCategory : Art Direction, UX/UI, Web DesignA Privacy Center redesign turned into an opportunity to explore, add more depth, and utilize large, storytelling iconography.
UX, Art Direction & Design for Sprint’s Travel Guides 🌇Category : Art Direction, Project Management, UX/UI, Web DesignA dining and Instagram-worthy travel guide for Sprint's LTE Advanced cities: Atlanta, Salt Lake City, Denver, and Las Vegas.
UX, Art Direction & Design for “Switch to Sprint”Category : Art Direction, Typography, UX/UI, Web DesignA data-driven redesign for Sprint's "Switch to Sprint" landing page and homepage section.
Art Direction & Animation for Mobile Network Landing PageCategory : Art Direction, Infographics, Motion, Web DesignLanding page with network speed animation to announce 4G LTE Advanced availability and share a glimpse of our 5G future.